Converting double to a String value in Java has been a typical task to do for software development. This article discusses the various ways on how to convert a double to a string in Java. While there are advantages in representing a double to its String object representation, the opposite task of converting a String object to a double can also be addressed. This document examines the reasons why conversions of double in Java are beneficial for beginners who are learning to develop in java.
Creates a primitive double representation of the string argument val.
double rating = Double.parseDouble("5.0");
// Output: 5.0
Creates a java.lang.Double object represented by the primitive double argument val.
Double average = Double.valueOf(95.9);
//Output: 95.9
Creates a java.lang.Double object represented by the string argument val
Double balance = Double.valueOf(1000.01);
//Output: 1000.01
Creates a java.lang.String represented by the value of the double argument val.
Double hoursLeft = Double.valueOf("2.5");
//Output: 2.5
Creates a java.lang.String represented by the double value argument val.
Double inchesOfSnow = Double.toString(10.5);
//Output: 10.5